Saturday, 17 July 2010

Give me time to craft!!

What do I have to do to get time to myself to craft!! I don't work now so I should have loads of time...However G works stupid shifts so is quiet often home during the day, so aren't allowed to be "unsociable" . Then there are other things that get in my way like housework, shopping, washing, ironing and all those other"chores" we love to do (that are also considered unsociable when G is home). Of course then there's the internet!! maybe if I limited how much time I browsed I could use the rest of the time to craft?? Seems like a plan................................................

After i've checked out the latest on Etsy lol

Have a nice weekend


Unknown said...

OMG! You are so the smae as me! I never ever have time to craft as I spend so much time poncing around without actually ever doing anything xxx

Pene said...

Haha Annie Have the mother in law staying at the moment which is another unneccesary distraction grrr...